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    Danke für Ihre eMail



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    <% ' Create the JMail message Object set msg = Server.CreateOBject( "JMail.Message" ) ' Set logging to true to ease any potential debugging ' And set silent to true as we wish to handle our errors ourself msg.Logging = true msg.silent = true ' Most mailservers require a valid email address ' for the sender msg.From = "" msg.FromName = " - Formulare" ' Note that as addRecipient is method and not ' a property, we do not use an equals ( = ) sign msg.AddRecipient "", "His Name" ' The subject of the message msg.Subject = "eMail Kontaktformular" 'add every form element and its value to the email FOR EACH el IN Request.Form msg.appendtext( el & ": " & Request.form(el) & vbcrlf ) NEXT ' Now send the message, using the indicated mailserver if not msg.Send("" ) then Response.write "

    " & msg.log & "
    " else Response.write "eMail wurde gesendet!" end if ' And we're done! the message has been sent. %>